Site related questions
I can't do anything at the icons and themes pages, all I see is a GP32 with a blank screen
Why have you made this site
I have this sudden urge to vote for woogal

Questions about YAFL
A lot of Fenix games don't work with YAFL
How can I change a program's icon in YAFL
Will there be a YAFL for the GP2X

About themes, icons and backgrounds
How can I make my own themes, icons or backgrounds
Have you made all the icons and themes on this site

I can't do anything at the icons and themes pages, all I see is a GP32 with a blank screen.
The icons, themes and some other pages use JavaScript to change images. If you want to use this site you have to enable JavaScript. Firefox users should also make sure that 'change images' is checked.

Why have you made this site
I'm quite picky about my computer and GP32 'desktop' so I always change background images and icons until they are to my liking. A lot of GP32 programs come without icons so I made some myself and this got me into making themes as well. After a while I had quite a few and I thought it would be nice to share them with other YAFL users so I started this site.

I have this sudden urge to vote for woogal
I have no idea what you are talking about...Vote now!

A lot of Fenix games don't work with YAFL
There is an easy fix for Fenix programs but it does require some work: if you have a Fenix program that doesn't work with YAFL you have to change it's name into something that is eight characters long. You also have to change the name of the program's folder and dcb-file and, if it has a splashscreen, the png-file or jpg-file¹

Example, BangGP: BanG_GP.fxe
BanG_GP  (folder)
BanGGP32  (folder)

¹Thanks to Horscht from the Gp32 X-treme forums for finding and sharing this solution

How can I change a program's icon in YAFL
Just pick the icon you want to use, give it the same name as the program you want to use it for and copy it to YAFL's icon folder (if you want to change the icon for box.fxe the icon's name should be box.ico)
YAFL icons are just gif-images with their extension changed to .ico. They have to be in the standard GP32 palette with a maximum size of 32x32 pixels.

Will there be a YAFL for the GP2X
This is a question for woogal so I'll quote his reply to this question at the Gp32 X-treme forums:
'As for YAFL, I'm waiting to see what comes on the gp2x as standard. If I don't like the built in launcher then YAFL might get ported. If the built in one is good enough then I won't bother. Got very little spare time these days and there are plenty of other things that I want to write.'
Well let's hope he doesn't like the built-in launcher because YAFL would look great on the GP2X   ;-)

How can I make my own themes, icons or backgrounds
Read my guide on this subject, it will tell you everything you need to know.

Have you made all the icons and themes on this site
Yes and no: Most of the icons on the icons page are either the original program's icon or icons I have found on the internet, I just edited them so they work with YAFL. For the theme files I have used graphics from various resources.